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Screenplay Consultancy & Mentoring Services

First impressions are essential. You wouldn't go to an interview half-dressed and you wouldn't drive a car with no wheels, so why would you send out a screenplay that isn't ready?


I offer a screenplay consultancy and mentoring service that's affordable, reliable and with a quick turnaround, designed to help writers of all abilities get the best out of their idea.


I won't dictate to you how you should write your screenplay, it's your idea after all. Instead, I'll ask you questions and give suggestions and examples, prompting you to think about your work in more depth and help you find your own solutions. It's about getting the best out of your idea and not imposing my version on you.




I'm an award-winning screenwriter with a BA (Hons) degree in Scriptwriting for Film & Television from Bournemouth University. I have worked as a reader for over two decades, starting out with Portman Entertainment Ltd in 2000 and eventually launching my own screenplay reading service in 2010. As well as being commissioned to write seven feature screenplays to date, over the last decade I have experienced great success in screenwriting competitions and festivals across the globe and this makes me the ideal person to send your screenplay to if you want to improve as a writer.

Services: Welcome


For every 10 pages over the maximum page count, please add Â£12 extra

Laptop, Notebook & Coffee
What's Your Story

Basic Development Notes

1 to 3 pages – A brief outline of suggested improvements covering genre, structure, action description, character, dialogue and anything else that needs attention. In addition, I will highlight areas in your screenplay that work well and your strengths as a writer.

One Page Pitch - £36

Outline/Synopsis (max 20 pages) - £60

Short Screenplay (max 35 pages) - £60

TV Screenplay (max 65 pages) - £90

Feature Screenplay (max 120 pages) - £120

Extended Development Notes

3 to 6 pages – The most popular option. A more comprehensive version of the Basic Development Notes. I will explore key areas in greater detail, providing logical suggestions for improvement and encouraging you to think more deeply about your work. This service also includes a follow-up email to answer any further questions you may have arising from my notes.


Outline/Synopsis (max 20 pages) - £90

Short Screenplay  (max 35 pages) - £90

TV Screenplay (max 65 pages) - £120

Feature Screenplay (max 120 pages) - £180


Annotated Script Notes

This service consists of everything in the Extended Development Notes, but will also include my initial thoughts written directly on a copy of your screenplay as I read through it.


If the screenplay is a Final Draft file, I will do this by utilising the ScriptNote function.


If you prefer the notes to be written on a hard copy of the screenplay an additional fee may be charged to cover printing and postage costs, to be agreed with you in advance.


This service is especially great for advanced drafts when you are looking for more detailed feedback on what works and what doesn't, line by line.

TV Screenplay (max 65 pages) - £180

Feature Screenplay (max 120 pages) - £240


If there’s a particular project you want to focus on, I can help guide you through the creative process, from conception to the completed first draft. I will read and comment on your project once a month, follow up with an hour-long Skype call and set you tasks to complete for the following month. I will also give valuable career advice and even suggest places to send your finished work. This service is designed to get the best out of your idea, help elevate your writing to the next level and provide forward momentum to your career.


If you want someone to motivate you to get that screenplay written or to act as a sounding board for your ideas, then I offer a shorter project-based service., consisting of an email (midweek) and phone call (at the weekend, up to an hour) once a week for six weeks. I will check on your progress, motivate you and discuss any problems you have encountered during the writing of your project and help you to work through them. At the finish, I will also provide Extended Development Notes on your completed draft.

Project Based - Six Weeks - TV - £300

Project Based - Six Weeks - Feature - £600

Six Months - £1200

Twelve Months - £2400

Services: Scripts
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